Wrap Up!
Basic, Advanced & Common Core Correlations Discovery Exercise
1. What was your biggest discovery?
The biggest discovery I had while completing this challenge was simply how incredibly much more information is available to us than what we really do utilize. There are a few of the available resources I use on a regular basis but many that I really had only seen but never really used at all.
2. How will you promote or use the resources with your patrons, colleagues or students?
After now completing the challenge activities I have more confidence in using them more to their potential. In our library, we do have patrons who occasionally need resources that are beyond what we have available in house. I have decided to go through our computers and actually bookmark some of these resources so that they are more easily available for patrons. I also think I need to promote these resources to our other staff members so they can assist patrons in the best way possible. I believe that electronic resources are only going to become more and more commonly used in the future and we need to be educated and able to use them fluently. There is a difference between knowing they are there, and actually navigating them to be used to their potential. This has been a wonderful opportunity to gain that experience and confidence to do just that. I hope to share what I have gained with coworkers and in the end benefit our library patrons.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Lesson 9 South Dakota Library Resource Challenge
History and Genealogy Resources—Ancestry Library, Heritage Quest and Sanborn Maps
I search for my name, Tammy Swenson and found that apparently there are a lot of us! I found 17577 hits. I narrowed the search and still found gadzooks of them. I have been doing genealogy for over 10 years and so I am in my tree posted online. Many others have included the information in their as I linked to their trees as well.
2. In AncestryLibrary, search for a grandparent or great-grandparent and see if you can locate them in the census. Report your findings.
Again, because I have done genealogy for so long, I have found many records for my grandparents. I have one branch trailed back to the 1200's in Denmark. I have the world membership which allows to look outside the US and creates even more fun!
3. In AncestryLibrary, type "South Dakota" in the location box and click Search. On the left side of the next screen is a link for Pictures. Click Pictures, see what's there, and look at one or more. Report your findings.
When searching for pictures in the manner as we were instructed, I found there are more pictures available for south Dakota than any of us could ever live long enough to view. Thankfully they are indexed allowing specific searches. Not only are there historical pictures available, there are many that are scanned documents, postcards, and family photos available. It is a great resource for finding civil war information and for me I found my grandfather's draft registration card. It was fun to see his handwriting, and even his specific height, weight, and coloring including his eye color.
5. In Sanborn Maps, select South Dakota. Then select your town or a town with which you are familiar. Choose a date. Look at the first page containing the Index. Then navigate around the pages and see what you discover. Try to find a building on the map that is still in use today. Report your findings
In Sanborn Maps, I looked for Milbank, South Dakota. I chose to look back as far as I could go figuring I may as well see the biggest change I could. There was 3 pages available for July of 1884. This was only a few years after the arrival of my great grandparents who undoubtedly went to Milbank for supplies, etc. It was interesting how few of homes there actually was at the time, or at least how far apart they were. Many blocks only had a few homes. Main street did have many buildings and some of them still do stand today.
1. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be dead to be listed in AncestryLibrary and can frequently find useful information in the U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002. You may even find your marriage license. Search for your own name in AncestryLibrary and report the results.
I search for my name, Tammy Swenson and found that apparently there are a lot of us! I found 17577 hits. I narrowed the search and still found gadzooks of them. I have been doing genealogy for over 10 years and so I am in my tree posted online. Many others have included the information in their as I linked to their trees as well.
2. In AncestryLibrary, search for a grandparent or great-grandparent and see if you can locate them in the census. Report your findings.
Again, because I have done genealogy for so long, I have found many records for my grandparents. I have one branch trailed back to the 1200's in Denmark. I have the world membership which allows to look outside the US and creates even more fun!
3. In AncestryLibrary, type "South Dakota" in the location box and click Search. On the left side of the next screen is a link for Pictures. Click Pictures, see what's there, and look at one or more. Report your findings.
When searching for pictures in the manner as we were instructed, I found there are more pictures available for south Dakota than any of us could ever live long enough to view. Thankfully they are indexed allowing specific searches. Not only are there historical pictures available, there are many that are scanned documents, postcards, and family photos available. It is a great resource for finding civil war information and for me I found my grandfather's draft registration card. It was fun to see his handwriting, and even his specific height, weight, and coloring including his eye color.
4. In HeritageQuest, there are over 28,000 family and local histories in their online historical books. Search for a place or browse the publications. Report back on something that interested you.
I have generally had more successful searches in Ancestry than I ever had in HeritageQuest. today was no exception. I entered a number of locations which I have in my family tree connections before ever having a publication show up. It was somewhat of interest though. I searched for Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. This are is where my great grandmothers parents settled when first arriving in the United States. After some time there they moved to Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota. The only information I found was a book about how the area in Manitowoc County was divided at the time of settlement. I was easily able to see the maps and areas as they were divided. I do occasionally use HeritageQuest but it generally isn't my first go to source.
In Sanborn Maps, I looked for Milbank, South Dakota. I chose to look back as far as I could go figuring I may as well see the biggest change I could. There was 3 pages available for July of 1884. This was only a few years after the arrival of my great grandparents who undoubtedly went to Milbank for supplies, etc. It was interesting how few of homes there actually was at the time, or at least how far apart they were. Many blocks only had a few homes. Main street did have many buildings and some of them still do stand today.
Lesson 8 South Dakota Library Challenge
World Cat, Camio and More
Basic Discovery Exercise part 1
1. We recommend using the Advanced Search screen for best search results. Click the “Advanced” tab on the toolbar 2nd to the top. In WorldCat, the right set of search boxes say “Keyword.” Click on the drop down menu to see other ways you can search.
I do the ILL's for our library so I use world cat on a regular basis. There are many ways to search other than the "Keyword" but the ones I most often use are, author, material type, publisher, ISBN, Subject, and Series title. Depending on the information I have and how difficult the search, I choose one of those options pretty much on each search I do.
2. Choose Title Phrase search, and click on the limiter (below the search boxes) “Books.” In the search box, type a book title. Note the number of results. How many libraries worldwide have item #1? Click the link. What is the top library?
I chose the book, "Grace Unplugged" by Melody Carlson for my search merely because I had just finished the book moments before working on my challenge lesson. I noted it categorized my results into visual, books, internet and sound finds. Since I was looking for the books, I clicked in the book section to find how many libraries world wide had the title. I found 392 libraries own it. Once clicking on the link I found the top library to be "Alexander Mitchell Library" which I know is actually located in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
3. Click into result #1 and look at the full record. What is the call number (class descriptor)? To see what else the author of your chosen book has written, click on the author's name. To see what else is available on that subject, click on a subject. What other information do you see?
Looking at the full record and seeing what information is available for my searched title, I found the call number as well as it classified as PS=American Literature. It was easy to see what other information was available because those sections are in blue. When clicking on the Author, Melody Carlson I found 708 other titles connected to her. When clicking on the subject, I found a list of other material that are linked to the same type of subject matter. It is a great resource to have all this information so easy to find and clearly presented. From publication information, general description of the storyline, genre to even the geographical setting, the information is easily available.
Basic Discovery Exercise part 1
The OAIster (pronounced “oyster”) database is one of the few mostly full text databases in WorldCat. Choose OAIster from the dropdown menu next to “Search in database.” In the “Keyword” search box, type South Dakota. Select one of your results. Click on the link next to “Access.” Add to your Lesson 8 blog posting by writing about your findings and your impressions of this tool.
Take a look at other participant's blogs and see how their experiences compared with yours.
I did as was directed in the challenge and searched in OAIster for the keyword, "South Dakota." Many of the first options where sound recordings and I really didn't want a sound recording so I selected the #24 on the list which was, "A Family Action Program-Home Protection Plan Exercise." It showed me the internet resource was from the Federal Civil Defense Administration. Once I clicked on it, it loaded a 32 page booklet from the Archives. I was expecting a fire plan or storm plan but it geared more towards being prepared for a nuclear attack. I can see this being a great resource for finding articles and pamphlets that have been archived and would be almost impossible to find without this resource. In looking for other blogs to see what they experienced, I found many hadn't completed the project yet. One did say she liked it, but thought it would take some getting used to...I tend to agree. I think it is a great resource but a real hit and miss.
Discovery Exercise part 3
Basic Discovery Exercise
You will need to complete this exercise at your school or library. CAMIO is not accessible from home. You can access CAMIO via this alphabetical list.
1. In the search box, type “Sioux.” Click on an image and notice what information is given and how you can manipulate the image. Blog about your results.
It was quite easy to manipulate the image. I was able to turn it, resize it, etc. It was actually kind of fun and I can see students enjoying that part alone.
2. How would you and your community use this resource? What other observations can you make?
I think this resource would be useful to many who have an interest in art, whether it be for a school class or personal use. In our community we have a group that has recently started to promote art and culture in the community. I think they may have interest in the CAMIO resources.
3. CAMIO has a lot of potential for personalizing and presenting research. Do a search on a subject of your choice. Choose 3 or 4 favorites by checking the box to the left of the image number. Click "Save to Favorites"on the toolbar at the top of the results next to "Relevance" and "Display Options." Then click "Favorites" in the gray bar in the upper right of the screen. On the left sidebar, click to export to PowerPoint or Zip Archive File. This allows you to manipulate and use the images in a variety of ways. Try out these features and report your findings.
Wow! Again I liked to be able to manipulate the images. It did take me a bit to get to that point though. There are many step involved. I think if I had more time it would become easier. I think this would be used more in an academic library than in our public library. Again...it is a great resource for those who have an art interest whether it be personal or for a report type project.
Basic Discovery Exercise part 1
1. We recommend using the Advanced Search screen for best search results. Click the “Advanced” tab on the toolbar 2nd to the top. In WorldCat, the right set of search boxes say “Keyword.” Click on the drop down menu to see other ways you can search.
I do the ILL's for our library so I use world cat on a regular basis. There are many ways to search other than the "Keyword" but the ones I most often use are, author, material type, publisher, ISBN, Subject, and Series title. Depending on the information I have and how difficult the search, I choose one of those options pretty much on each search I do.
2. Choose Title Phrase search, and click on the limiter (below the search boxes) “Books.” In the search box, type a book title. Note the number of results. How many libraries worldwide have item #1? Click the link. What is the top library?
I chose the book, "Grace Unplugged" by Melody Carlson for my search merely because I had just finished the book moments before working on my challenge lesson. I noted it categorized my results into visual, books, internet and sound finds. Since I was looking for the books, I clicked in the book section to find how many libraries world wide had the title. I found 392 libraries own it. Once clicking on the link I found the top library to be "Alexander Mitchell Library" which I know is actually located in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
3. Click into result #1 and look at the full record. What is the call number (class descriptor)? To see what else the author of your chosen book has written, click on the author's name. To see what else is available on that subject, click on a subject. What other information do you see?
Looking at the full record and seeing what information is available for my searched title, I found the call number as well as it classified as PS=American Literature. It was easy to see what other information was available because those sections are in blue. When clicking on the Author, Melody Carlson I found 708 other titles connected to her. When clicking on the subject, I found a list of other material that are linked to the same type of subject matter. It is a great resource to have all this information so easy to find and clearly presented. From publication information, general description of the storyline, genre to even the geographical setting, the information is easily available.
Basic Discovery Exercise part 1
The OAIster (pronounced “oyster”) database is one of the few mostly full text databases in WorldCat. Choose OAIster from the dropdown menu next to “Search in database.” In the “Keyword” search box, type South Dakota. Select one of your results. Click on the link next to “Access.” Add to your Lesson 8 blog posting by writing about your findings and your impressions of this tool.
Take a look at other participant's blogs and see how their experiences compared with yours.
I did as was directed in the challenge and searched in OAIster for the keyword, "South Dakota." Many of the first options where sound recordings and I really didn't want a sound recording so I selected the #24 on the list which was, "A Family Action Program-Home Protection Plan Exercise." It showed me the internet resource was from the Federal Civil Defense Administration. Once I clicked on it, it loaded a 32 page booklet from the Archives. I was expecting a fire plan or storm plan but it geared more towards being prepared for a nuclear attack. I can see this being a great resource for finding articles and pamphlets that have been archived and would be almost impossible to find without this resource. In looking for other blogs to see what they experienced, I found many hadn't completed the project yet. One did say she liked it, but thought it would take some getting used to...I tend to agree. I think it is a great resource but a real hit and miss.
Discovery Exercise part 3
Basic Discovery Exercise
You will need to complete this exercise at your school or library. CAMIO is not accessible from home. You can access CAMIO via this alphabetical list.
1. In the search box, type “Sioux.” Click on an image and notice what information is given and how you can manipulate the image. Blog about your results.
It was quite easy to manipulate the image. I was able to turn it, resize it, etc. It was actually kind of fun and I can see students enjoying that part alone.
2. How would you and your community use this resource? What other observations can you make?
I think this resource would be useful to many who have an interest in art, whether it be for a school class or personal use. In our community we have a group that has recently started to promote art and culture in the community. I think they may have interest in the CAMIO resources.
3. CAMIO has a lot of potential for personalizing and presenting research. Do a search on a subject of your choice. Choose 3 or 4 favorites by checking the box to the left of the image number. Click "Save to Favorites"on the toolbar at the top of the results next to "Relevance" and "Display Options." Then click "Favorites" in the gray bar in the upper right of the screen. On the left sidebar, click to export to PowerPoint or Zip Archive File. This allows you to manipulate and use the images in a variety of ways. Try out these features and report your findings.
Wow! Again I liked to be able to manipulate the images. It did take me a bit to get to that point though. There are many step involved. I think if I had more time it would become easier. I think this would be used more in an academic library than in our public library. Again...it is a great resource for those who have an art interest whether it be personal or for a report type project.
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