Friday, February 6, 2015

Week 2 South Dakota Library Challenge

I was so excited to see the Chilton Library become available online and have referred many patrons to use it.  We have had patrons come into the library looking for a vehicle manual who are excited to hear they can access the information from their shops, etc.  The challenge is convincing them to go through the steps to get a state library card.  It provides resources for many vehicle models back as far as 1940. 

1.  Our challenge was to look up the maintenance schedule for our own vehicle.  I drive a 2013 Ford Fusion. When looking up the maintenance schedule it asked me many specifics that I really wasn't even sure of.   Once I got through the specifics it gave me a list which included all the regular things from brake checks, fluid checks,  to tire rotations.  I thought maybe it would be more interesting on a bit older vehicle so I looked up our 2004 Avalanche.  I found much information was available.

2  It gave a list of bullions which involved many little things from troubleshooting the navigation to inside lights flickering.   I glanced through the list but haven't had a problem with any of them.   The last bulletin posted about the Avalanche was about the tow and haul mode.   We use this vehicle to pull our camper so I was interesting in the message but a more careful look showed it not to be a problem.  

3.   When looking under the repair tab I found a HUGE amount of details were available including diagrams for clarity.   The information was specific and easy to navigate.  

Mango Languages is a resource I have wanted to use but just haven't  had time to do it yet.  I would love to learn to speak Swedish and Norwegian which would be beneficial in my hobby of genealogy research.   Mango Languages has 60 languages to choose from.  

1.   I shoes Swedish for my challenge and completed lesson 1.   I love it.   It is a great balance of visual and audio for ease.  It moved slowly and was repetitive for a deeper learning.  I was most appreciative of the cultural customs it added.  It explained that in Sweden it is not customary to put a hand forward for a handshake when meeting.   That would be very useful information if traveling to Sweden.  I now can say "hello, how, stand, it, etc.   More importantly...."tack" for the lesson 1 on my quest to speak Swedish.  

2.  The second part of our challenge was to answer how a Vietnamese student who wants to improve their English could benefit from using Mango language.  I think one way would be to use the translator for phrasing.   The English language uses many unusual phrases.  The "use English" tab offered specifically learning English if you speak Vietnamese.  Basically the option worked the same as when I was trying to learn Swedish and would be equally beneficial.  

Tumblebooks is the electronic resource that I have used the most prior to this challenge.  From the moment I first saw it...I was hooked.   Children's books, available free to children with animation is a great thing.   It offers picture books as well as chapter books.  My favorite part is that it also offers puzzels and games for the kid's interaction.   When working in the library I am often asked if we know the AR point values for books.    Tumblebooks even offers that information. 

1.   Our challenge was to select and try a book, and give our impression.   I selected "Scaredy Squirrel."   It was a cute little story with life lessons about fear.   As always I loved. it.   I love that it gives the  option of pages automatically turning the pages OR you can go at your own pace and read it to the child yourself.   I think for parents there is a time and a place when both would be convenient.  

2.   Our challenge was to try a video or puzzle and give our impression.  I chose a video of the Biography of Benjamin Franklin.    I hadn't used the video option before this challenge and think children will love it.   Again...I think there is a time and place where the video option will be a perk.   Children love videos.  

3.  Question:  To whom will I promote the Tumblebooks eRecourse. That is easy.  It is perfect for anyone who has children in preschool or lower elementary.   I have enjoyed Tumblebooks with my own grand-daughter.   

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great post! You have made excellent discoveries on the three resources covered this week. It is great that people are excited about Chilton and TumblebookLibrary at your library!

